Major Skin Problems Eczema is a term for a group of conditions characterized by inflamed itchy skin. The most common type is atopic dermatitis. “Atopy” refers to a genetic tendency to get allergic conditions as asthma, rhinitis. Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal, …
Tag Archives: Spine Procedures
Spine Care
Spine Care The spinal cord controls various parts of the body and plays an important role when it comes to body weakness, carpal tunnel & tarsal tunnel syndrome, Meralgia paresthetica, Neuropathic pain, Peripheral neuropathy, peroneal nerve, Bell’s palsy, and Nerve root plexus disorders. It forms a vital link between the brain and the rest of …
Skincare Essentials
Skincare essentials A daily skincare routine will help you maintain overall skin health, no matter what your skin type. This routine is especially important for specific concerns such as acne, sensitive skin and eczema. For all your skin care needs and concerns, visit one of our dermatologists today. #qatar #doha #health #dohachospital #healthcare #specialist #healthcareworkers #healthcarehereos #safe #proffesionalhealthcare #cardiology #internalmedicine #medicine #medics #healthandsafety #advice #healthadvice #dohaclinichospital #doctor #خدمات_طبية #قطر #مستشفى_عيادة_الدوحة #الدوحة #مستلزمات_طبية #الرعاية_الصحية #Neuro_and_Spine_Surgery #Endoscopic_Discectomy #Degenerative_Diseases …
Nero and spine surgeons
Nero and spine surgeons Our Nero and spine surgeons will use and take care of your spine and nerve related issues with the most up to date techniques such MRI, nerve conduction study, EEG and CT scans to diagnose and treat all your spine and Nero related issues. سيعالج متخصصو قسم جراحة الأعصاب والعمود الفقري …
healthy children
Promoting a healthy lifestyle in children. Children need a healthy and balanced diet from all food groups: Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, dairy and Protein. Giving them 3 meals, a day and a few healthy snacks in between will ensure that they have all the nutrients and energy they need to thrive. Encouraging your little one to …
Pediatric Rheumatology in Qatar
Pediatric Rheumatology Our Rheumatology consultants deal with pediatric rheumatology for joint and tendons treatments by ultrasound, guided injections and aspirations. Along with analysis of Joint Fluid to Diagnose Crystal Joint Diseases Like Gout & Pseudogout and Diagnosis & Treatment of Osteoporosis. يعالج أطباؤنا روماتيزم المفاصل والأوتار عند الأطفال عن طريق الموجات فوق الصوتية والحقن. وذلك …
Rheumatic Disorder
Rheumatology Department Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight can help in reducing the risk of Rheumatoid arthritis. If you are suffering from symptoms of a rheumatic disorder, get yourself checked today and take precautionary measures. The Department of Rheumatology at Doha Clinic Hospital provides health care for rheumatic disorders. يمكن أن …
Diagnose your heart condition
Cardiology Our cardiac consultants in the cardiology department work hard to diagnose your heart condition to make sure that you have a strong heart and steady heartbeats, in help of ECG, Echocardiogram and holter monitor.يحرص خبراء قسم أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية على متابعة حالة قلبك و انتظام دقاته من أجل الحصول على قلب سليم وقوي …
Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee Replacement Surgery Do you need Knee Replacement Surgery? If you are experiencing knee joint pain, consult with our Orthopedic Surgeons to get a diagnosis. We are here for you because your health is our priority! هل تحتاج إلى جراحة استبدال الركبة؟ إذا كنت تعاني من آلام في مفصل الركبة، استشر جراحي العظام للحصول على …
Orthopedics in qatar
Orthopedics – جراحة العظام is one of our unique specializations in Icon Medical Center with an experienced medical team specialized in musculoskeletal injuries and surgeries. We are also experienced in sports injuries working with athletes to recover from their injury and return back to their normal activities. واحد من أهم التخصصات الطبية لدينا هو طب العظام …